poundsCompanies in Scottsdale and throughout America have been looking to LED lighting as a way to cut costs across the board. Many local governments have also adopted the technology to reduce the amount of taxpayer money that is being spent on energy bills. The switch to more advanced technologies is not reserved just for America, though. Across the pond in Leicestershire County, United Kingdom, officials have put together a plan to switch out 67,000 bulbs for high efficiency LED alternatives, and it’s supported by several political parties.

Higher Energy Bills All Over The World

Energy costs are rising throughout the world, and it’s something that can definitely be felt in Scottsdale. The experience has been the same in Leicestershire County, and using LEDs instead of the older fixtures that have been in use there for decades will significantly cut their reliance on an already overworked grid. The cost to power the area has doubled in the last decade, and it is only expected to continue to go up across the board.

Plans In The Works For Many Years

Due to financial issues in the Leicestershire County government, several cost-cutting measures had been taken to reduce the yearly expenditure on lighting for roadways. Tight local government budgets are not anything new to Scottsdale residents, and the UK local government’s attempts to reduce spending have been innovative. City officials in the UK county attempted to dim and turn off unnecessary lighting at night, which has created a moderate savings so far. These savings are combined with a smaller scale attempt to replace fixtures as per the City Council. The £13 million venture will put 33,000 LED lights into operation to replace the older alternatives. These are just a fraction of what the government wants to replace throughout the county as a whole.

Spend Pounds To Save Pounds

While the budget has yet to be set or approved, the movement could result in savings for the county that represent a major yearly bolster to the coffers. The road and transportation department of the local government stands to save about £2 million per year with the change. The LED fixtures will use 60 percent less energy than the sodium-based options that are currently installed throughout the county.

Saving More Than Just Energy

While the energy savings are always impressive when working with current industrial LED technology, the reduced maintenance costs are another reason that local governments from Scottsdale (and all the way to the UK and beyond) are looking to make the switch. Local governments can dedicate less support staff to the upkeep of the fixtures because they are often rated for up to 100,000 hours of use. They likely won’t need to change out the bulbs for two decades with normal use and their previous energy saving attempts combined. The savings can be massive no matter what side of the pond you’re on. Whether you’re saving dollars or pounds, LEDs offer a substantial savings that would be difficult to match with any other cost-cutting alternative.

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