led-street-lightIf you look around, you may see that business throughout Scottsdale and governments all over the country are either making the switch or are investigating their ability to transition to LED lighting. One of the most beautiful locations in the United States, Honolulu, is no exception. This week, they have asked local contractors to submit bids on replacing more then 52,000 street lights in the city and county with more energy efficient LED options.

Drumming Up Support For LEDs

The major switch does not come without major consideration, and the city officials have done their due diligence to ensure that the upgrades have the return on investment that the fixtures promise. As with businesses and organizations throughout Scottsdale, city officials completed an audit to estimate the savings for the area as a whole before suggesting a 400 light pilot program to the community. After the success of the installation as well as the savings prompted by the new fixtures themselves, the Mayor gave the green light to a city-wide conversion that will begin soon. First, they just have to find the right contractor for the job.

Bright LED Solutions

There’s no question why the switch is such an important move to make in Honolulu, and the benefits are the same throughout Scottsdale. Industrial LED fixtures like streetlights can save at least 50 percent over the more traditional fixtures that have been in the area for so many years. They require less manpower for maintenance because the bulbs last for decades–if not longer. More than that, they’ll pay for themselves in just four years. In the time that it takes a young person to go from freshman year to senior year, an entire city can reap the rewards of a fairly large investment.

Filling The Local Coffers

Running street lights in Honolulu was no small expenditure, and the city estimates that the government was spending more than $6 million per year just to light up the streets. Based on the small pilot program, city officials expect their monthly bill to reduce by half,  and cost less than $3 million per year. The additional monies can be funneled back into the city budget to be used for other projects throughout the year.

Beyond just the savings that come from lower energy consumption, there are also rebates from local energy companies that will help pay for the upfront cost of the fixtures. The numbers are nothing to ignore. Honolulu Energy will reportedly reimburse $25-$33 per fixture. With more than 52,000 fixtures going up throughout the city, constituents can expect the output to be paid back fairly quickly.

Reducing Reliance On The Grid And Cutting Costs In The Meantime

The example set in Honolulu further goes along with the trend in many governments throughout the country, and it also applies to Scottsdale. The switch to LED lighting fixtures can save money, reduce maintenance costs, improve visibility on streets and make yet another effort to cut down on the city’s carbon footprint. If you have a business or organization in Scottsdale, then call your local EEPros professional and set up an audit. They can show you what kind of savings you’re looking at by making the switch, and you too can benefit from a savings of up to 75 percent over your current lighting bills.

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