MarinersIf you’ve ever been to a Major League ball park or any sports arena, you probably know that nighttime games require a whole lot of simulated light. In Scottsdale and across the world, you’ll hardly know it’s dark when you’re at a properly lit field.

Up until now, however, that has been most often achieved with high-intensity discharge lights. With an example that Scottsdale organizations of all kinds can follow, however, the Seattle Mariners have become the first team in all of Major League Baseball to make the switch from the HID lights to LED solutions throughout the park.

More Money For Peanuts and Cracker Jacks

In total, The Mariners organization will change out more than 600 light fixtures from the older technology to an entire system designed with LEDs. If you’ve ever purchased Major League tickets, you know that they aren’t cheap. Running a stadium in general costs a pretty penny–thus driving up the out of pocket for loyal fans. By using the LED lights over the previous technology, the Mariner’s management expects to save more than 60 percent on their costs for lighting the field.

Rooting For The Home Team For A Half Century

Better yet? The bulbs will last much longer than their predecessors, and they’ll see thousands of players come and go from the team. That doesn’t cut careers short by any means. The bulbs are expected to last for more than 50 years. In fact, they’ll probably last even longer than comparable ones in non-sport organizations because they only get turned on for nighttime events.

Whereas typical agencies tend to use their lighting fixtures for the majority of the week, ball fields may not use the light at all during the day, and they don’t have games or events every night. And when you consider how far off the ground the light fixtures usually are, the life cycle must incite a sigh of relief for the maintenance workers who are employed at the facility.

Other Perks For The Ball Game

The new system will be live and ready to use for the Big Leagues by the beginning of the next season. The team can also look forward to other major improvements like lights that instantly come on as opposed to older fixtures that need significant warmup time. If you think back to the lighting mishap during the second half of the SuperBowl in 2013, it took quite a while to get the players back on the field after half of the stadium unexpectedly went dark. With LEDs, that wouldn’t be an issue. They almost automatically go to full brightness.

Environmentally Friendly Fields

Beyond the already mentioned perks, the LED options require far less wattage than their predecessors, and they’re easier to recycle. The stadium’s carbon footprint will shrink in a big way by cutting down on energy and making it easier to properly dispose of previously environmentally hazardous materials.

From Ball Fields To Board Rooms

Whether you need lighting for precision at a Scottsdale manufacturing plant or you’re illuminating a Little League diamond, the Major League example can make a huge difference in the out-of-pocket for your operation. To get more information on how to cut down your carbon footprint while pocketing the change, call your Scottsdale EEPros representative today for a complimentary energy audit.

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