led-366324_1280The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) was passed by Congress in 2007, which presented higher efficiency standards for light bulbs. The goal of the act was to encourage businesses and individuals in Scottsdale to take advantage of the newest lighting technologies and reduce their overall utility costs, all while increasing resilience and energy security.

Details of the EISA

The newest lighting technologies, including compact fluorescent light bulbs and LED bulbs, are proven to last longer and use much less energy than the incandescent bulbs that had previously dominated the market. The Act specifically requires that the lighting be at minimum 27 percent more efficient than the traditional incandescent bulbs, which will require the manufacturers to use a different type of technology to meet this newly established standard, including LED, compact fluorescent and halogen incandescent technologies.

Why Utilizing this Technology is Beneficial in Scottsdale

Government buildings, commercial enterprises and consumers can decrease their energy and maintenance costs by utilizing CFLs and LEDs, which consume less energy and last much longer than the incandescent bulbs they are replacing.

There are a number of states that have already enacted legislation offering incentives to agricultural, commercial, government and residential consumers who have selected to use the energy efficient lighting technologies. The states are interested in promoting this efficiency in an effort to promote increased economic development, especially since the less consumers and businesses spend on energy costs, the more they will be able to invest in the local economy.

Additionally, when energy efficient improvements, such as investing in lighting upgrades are done, it can result in a significant reduction in the demand of energy, which can reduce the pressure to construct new power plants in Scottsdale, lower the congestion in transmission lines and ultimately be reflected as lower utility costs for the end user.

Creation of Incentive Programs

There are a number of state governments that have already created a number of programs for educating consumers regarding energy savings potential offered by lighting upgrades and to provide financing for the up-front costs that go along with this lighting upgrade. Since the upfront costs are, in many cases, the biggest barrier to efficiency upgrades, the rebate and financing programs that are developed will help a larger number of consumers and businesses to utilize the advantages offered by efficient lighting upgrades.

Lighting Options

While LED is the most popular and well known efficient lighting option, there are actually several to consider that will provide the incentives mentioned earlier.

  • Energy-Saving Incandescent Lighting: Can increase efficiency by using halogen gas inside the bulb. Law dictates the bulbs must use 27 percent less energy and last up to three times longer than the traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs): Utilize less energy to create the same amount of light a traditional incandescent bulb does, resulting in an energy savings of up to 75 percent. Also, last for as much as 10 time longer than traditional bulbs, reducing replacement costs.
  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Type of solid-state lighting that utilize semiconductors for converting electricity into light. The most efficient LEDs will only use between 20 and 25 percent of the total energy of traditional bulbs and will last more than 20 years.

Incentives for Energy Efficient Lighting Use

There are both federal and state tax incentives for upgrading to energy efficient lighting. For example, Maine offers rebates of up to $1.25 per build for residential consumers who upgrade to lighting that is more efficient. Vermont offers Commercial Lighting rebates between $8 and $250.

What this means is that not only do you save money with the more efficient lighting in regard to your utility costs in Scottsdale, you can also save with tax incentives and rebates offered by the federal and state governments. While there are some states that have yet to jump on board with these incentives, they are coming and something everyone can look forward to soon.

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