power-line-433419_640Electricity accounts for the heftiest part of any energy bill. The average American household uses approximately 903 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month, the equivalent of $107. But depending on where you live, your monthly electricity bill could be somewhat lower, or exponentially higher. For example, depending on how hot or cold your climate is, you could pay more or less for electricity. In Scottsdale, you pay a different amount than in cities in other states, and you can also pay more less depending on how rural or urban your house is. Regardless, no one wants to pay a fat electricity bill. Using less electricity can not only save you thousands of dollars per year, but can have positive benefits for the environment, as well.

Huge Savings Per Month

Your lighting fixtures, electronics and appliances could be pumping up your bill each month. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you need to completely revamp your house or re-outfit your tech with newer and more expensive energy-efficient products. Simply changing the way that you use the electricity in your house can provide substantial savings.

Save the Environment

The United States has a huge appetite for energy. In fact, after China, it is the second largest consumer of energy in the world. The vast majority of the energy consumed by the U.S. is generated by burning coal and other fossil fuels, all of which generate dangerous carbon emissions. Carbon emissions pollute the environment and cause damage to ecosystems and wildlife. Using less electricity can save thousands of units of carbon emissions and help local environments stay healthy and green. Using less electricity will help preserve the planet and its populations for years to come.

Energy-Saving Tips

There are many tips and tricks you can implement into your daily routine to painlessly save more electricity. Here are a handful of particularly useful ones:

Pay closer attention to your AC. Close your doors and windows when your AC is on, and turn off kitchen and bath exhaust fans. Make sure you change your AC’s air filters at least once a month or every two months to keep your system running at its peak. You should set your AC fan switch to “auto” instead of “on.” The “on” position will keep air running constantly, even if the room is at a comfortable temperature.

Use your fridge more efficiently. For ideal energy savings, set your refrigerator temperature to between 30 and 42F.  If you have an older refrigerator (i.e. purchased before 1990), it’s in your best interest to replace it. Energy-efficient models cost significantly less to operate per year than older models do. Also be sure to regularly dust your fridge, and keep your freezer full. Keeping your freezer fully-stocked uses less energy than an empty freezer.

Turn off lights and appliances. Make it a habit to turn off lights behind you. It will quickly become second nature to you. Also be sure to turn off appliances when you aren’t using them.

Unplug laptops and electronics when they are fully charged. This saves both electricity and preserves the battery life of your electronics.

Wash full loads of clothes. Filling up the washer and dryer means you clean more clothes using less electricity. Also try to wash and dry several loads at once so that your dryer doesn’t have to fully heat up for the next load, as it is already warm. Consider drying clothes in the open-air vs. in the dryer.

Save Money with Lighting by EEPros

EEPros has the LED lighting solutions for your home or business. From indoor to outdoor lighting, EEPros can re-outfit your Scottsdale residential or commercial property with more powerful, more energy-efficient lights. You can save up to 90% of the cost of electricity with LED lighting solutions in Scottsdale. Let us brighten your space and lower your energy costs with our LED lighting retrofits. Request your free energy audit today by visiting www.eepros.com or calling (480) 585-9161.

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