2bulbsLED bulbs have quite a bit to offer in terms of energy efficiency and cost savings. Both home and business owners in Scottsdale who are using these types of bulbs exclusively are already appreciating a number of benefits.

But what if LEDs were used on a larger scale?  While smart houses can be created with the implementation of efficient devices and features, such as LED bulbs, couldn’t this be done on a larger scale to eventually create the very first ‘smart city’?

Getting Started

LED lighting options can slash energy bills by up to 70 percent or more, as well as reduce the high maintenance costs associated with the changing and disposing of traditional bulbs.  At the end of the day, however, it still costs money in Scottsdale to save money.  For communities with limited budgets, this can pose a significant issue.  This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the end of road.  One option for communities with budgetary constraints is to turn to private corporations to help get started with this ‘smart movement.’  After all, when smart energy choices are made in Scottsdale, it is benefits residents, businesses and the government.

Why LED is the Answer?

LED is an evolving technology and is considered by many as the light source of the future. What’s more, there are a number of benefits offered by adopting LED lighting options, especially on a community-wide basis, including:

  • Energy Savings: LED lighting can save as much as 70 percent in comparison to traditional lighting options.
  • Long Life: LEDs last for at least 50,000 hours and offer a significant savings when it comes to maintenance.
  • Adaptable Light Source: LEDs can be adapted for use in virtually any environment.
  • Lumen Output: LEDs create a higher lumen output per watt.
  • Focused Light: Since LEDs are a directional light source, they reduce overall light pollution, which is extremely beneficial for applications like street lighting.
  • Carbon Reduction: LEDs work to reduce carbon emissions by minimizing energy consumption.
  • Instant ‘On’ Feature: There is no need for the bulbs to warm up like traditional bulbs – they instantly turn on.
  • Additional Security: Featuring a color-rendering index of more than 80, LEDs offer a crisp, clean light that enhances what is captured by CCTV video.  This, in turn, increases overall security in public locations.
  • Safe and Non-Toxic: LEDs don’t contain any mercury, making them a recyclable option.
  • Durable: LED’s are extremely rugged bulbs with no filament that can be damaged due to vibration or shock.
  • Low Heat Emissions: LEDs do not product the heat traditional bulbs do.
  • Zero UV Emissions: LED’s produce no UV radiation.
  • Shatterproof: Each bulb is designed with shatterproof materials.

Implementing LED’s on a Large Scale

It’s no secret that the initial costs of implementing LED bulbs in a single home, not to mention an entire community, can be astronomically high, especially when you consider that the cost of an LED bulb is six times greater than the cost of a traditional incandescent bulb.  Once the change is made, however, the cost for maintenance and upkeep is minimal. In fact, many of these bulbs will last for more than five years, unlike incandescent and halogen bulbs that often have to be replaced every few months.

At the end of the day, it’s important to understand that creating a smart community is not something that will happen overnight. It will be a gradual process that takes time.  The first step in that process is to begin using LED bulbs on a larger scale basis in Scottsdale.

LED Lighting Brands We Work With
ECO Insight LED Lighting Alledra LED Lighting Neptun LED Lighting Natura LED Lighting Light Pole LED Lighting Westgate LED Lighting Yaham LED Lighting Earth LED Lighting iglo LED Lighting DAB LED Lighting Energy Bank LED Lighting Energetic LED Lighting Falkor LED Lighting Alset LED Lighting Halco LED Lighting Acuity LED Lighting ATG LED Lighting Ikio LED Lighting Retrolux LED Lighting
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