out-of-focus-1030385_640In the short time since their introduction to the consumer market, LED light bulbs have turned rapidly into the gold standard in lighting, becoming a popular replacement for incandescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). A big reason for this shift is the remarkable energy efficiency of LEDs, which use up to 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs, as well as their long life spans, with some manufacturers claiming their bulbs can to last up to 25,000 hours.

Such claims are often enough for the average Scottsdale consumer to jump on the LED lighting bandwagon, but it’s important to properly understand the lifespan and efficiency of LEDs in order to maximize their performance and longevity.

Take the purported 25,000-hour lifespan of LED light bulbs, for example. While LEDs are indeed long lasting due to their low temperatures and solid-state engineering, what most consumers don’t know is that an LED bulb’s performance and lifespan actually diminishes with age. This means that LED bulbs tend to become dimmer as time goes by. Sure, it’s well within the realm of possibility that an LED can run for 25,000 hours (or a little over 8 years if the LED is used 8 hours a day), but it’s also certain that the light it generates will decrease over time. As such, it’s important to consider when an LED becomes too dim for your liking.

Fortunately, however, there are a few ways to maximize the performance and actual lifespan of your LED lights.

1. Be Careful with Your Usage

While LEDs are designed to be energy efficient, controlling their usage still goes a long way in making them lost longer. Although it may seem that being careful with your LED usage defeats its energy efficiency, it’s also the best way to beat the aging process. When used too long, LEDs tend to get dim, so avoid using them for extended periods of time, if at all possible. Use your Scottsdale home’s LED lighting only when needed, whether it’s cooking in the kitchen, entertaining guests in the family room or working in your office. When you’re done, switch them off, just as you would with incandescent bulbs.

2. Give Your LEDs Time to Cool Down

Yes, LEDs produce little heat, especially when compared to incandescent bulbs, halogens, and CFLs, which are impossible to touch when switched on without the risk of burning yourself. Yet even if LEDs are more efficient and produce little heat, allowing them to cool down in between uses still helps to increase their longevity.

3. Avoid Switching Your LEDs On and Off Repeatedly

It’s no secret that frequently switching a light bulb on and off directly affects its lifespan. This doesn’t just apply to incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes and lamps, however.  It applies to LEDs as well, which is why it’s important to limit the number of times they’re switched on and off. Give your LEDs time to rest in between uses before switching them on again.

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