hotel-1330845_640Technology is advancing at breakneck speed, with innovations happening across virtually every industry. The lighting sector is no exception, as it is seeing manufacturers making a mad rush towards the brightest most energy efficient lighting solutions.

If you’ve been consider a lighting upgrade in your Scottsdale home, you may have weighed the pros and cons of adopting LEDs. From once being too cost-prohibitive for the average consumer, LEDs have since been adopted at an incredible rate, growing to become the most efficient lighting solution in the market.

Still, the growth of LEDs has not been without challenges, which are usually associated with misinformation on their quality and features. Here are a few of the most notable myths, debunked with facts.

1. LEDs Are Too Expensive

While it’s true that LED lighting used to be so expensive that it was hard to justify the cost of replacing all the lights in your Scottsdale home with LEDs, things have since changed for the better.

True, LEDs are still more expensive than other lighting options like halogens and incandescent light bulbs. But if you can look past their initial cost, LEDs almost always turn out to be cheaper in the long run. There are two points to remember with LEDs.

  • LEDs are so energy efficient that the energy savings they offer easily offsets their price given time
  • LEDs are so durable and long-lasting that they help homeowners save money from light bulb replacements

2. They Last Forever

 One claim you’ve probably heard about LED light bulbs is that they last forever.

True, LEDs are indeed long-lived—think several thousands of hours. But they definitely do not last forever. For starters, even if the light-emitting diode lasts for an incredible span of time, LED bulbs still come with other components, such as a power supply, which definitely has a limited lifespan.

Moreover, while LED light bulbs don’t exactly burn out like compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and incandescents do, they still dim over an extended period of time, usually beginning after 15,000 hours. And if you leave an LED on nonstop for months, don’t expect it to last.

3. LEDs are Just Like CFLs

For many Scottsdale homes, compact fluorescent lamps were perhaps the most popular lighting solution for general home lighting. They’re more efficient, long-lasting, and more importantly, cheap. But they also come with serious drawbacks, including a tendency for flickering, needing time to generate their full brightness, and an unflattering glow.

Many people make the mistake of believing that LEDs are just glorified CFLs. In truth, LEDs actually fix many of the problems with CFLs, producing flicker- and glare-free light without needing any time to generate their full brightness. Moreover, LEDs do not contain mercury, a crucial component in the fluorescence process, and a substance posing serious harm to health.

If you are considering an LED retrofit in your Scottsdale home to reap the benefits of LED bulbs, do your homework and don’t listen to hearsay. When in doubt don’t hesitate to speak to a lighting specialist, who can shed light (no pun intended) on the subject of LED lighting replacements.

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