Light bulbs have come a long way since Edison’s time. Today, automation and the Internet of Things (IoT) have made it possible for light bulbs – particularly LED lights – to be manufactured with so-called smart features. These include motion sensors, scheduling features to switch the lights on and off at specific times of the day, dimming, and Wi-Fi control among many others.

This sounds cool and all to have in your home, but what about in your average office or business in Scottsdale? Below are just a few compelling reasons why smart LEDs are worth having in your business.

1. Better Control of Your Lighting System

The biggest benefit of smart lighting for businesses is control.

Lighting takes up a significant chunk of any business’s operational and maintenance costs, so it makes sense for business owners to have more control over their lights. With smart lighting, you can control your office’s lighting system with an app and set timers for lights in specific rooms or areas to automatically turn on and off—great for automating your lights for business hours.

You can also adjust the brightness of your lights with their built-in dimmers and even change their colors to add life to your office or store. Having remote access also lets you control your lights anywhere in the world.

2. Lower Electricity Bills

Ever walked into your office after a long weekend, only to find out your lights were on the whole time? With smart lights and the ability to set up a lighting schedule, you won’t have to worry about that problem anymore. And because most smart lights are LEDs, you also get a lighting system that’s far more energy efficient than incandescent light bulbs, halogens lamps, and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).

3. Employee Preference

Several studies have found that light has a direct impact on a person’s mood and productivity. By giving your staff the ability to control their personal smart task lights, they can adjust the brightness of their lighting according to their preferences. Allowing them to find the perfect balance of brightness for their workspaces can help them be more productive; it can also reduce eyestrain. This might sound like a small thing but can make a huge difference with their personal satisfaction at work.

4. Environmental Responsibility

Today’s customers and employees expect businesses to be more considerate about their impact on the environment. With smart lighting, your business not only saves money from reduced energy consumption, you also get to do your part in protecting the environment, which is good for from both a business and public relations standpoint.

These are just a few of the many benefits of having smart lighting systems in your office or business. And let’s not forget that all the awesome features that come standard with smart lighting will also help you build a modern workplace that motivates people to get work done quickly, efficiently, and most important, safely.

LED Lighting Brands We Work With
ECO Insight LED Lighting Alledra LED Lighting Neptun LED Lighting Natura LED Lighting Light Pole LED Lighting Westgate LED Lighting Yaham LED Lighting Earth LED Lighting iglo LED Lighting DAB LED Lighting Energy Bank LED Lighting Energetic LED Lighting Falkor LED Lighting Alset LED Lighting Halco LED Lighting Acuity LED Lighting ATG LED Lighting Ikio LED Lighting Retrolux LED Lighting
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