Even though the Unites States represents less than 5% of the world’s population, it uses around 18% of the world’s total energy, and it only becomes more startling when you start to think about how much of that energy is completely wasted.

For Planet Earth, increasing emergency efficiency is the name of the game. In stalling clean and efficient LED light bulbs is only the beginning; true energy revolution is not possible without the widespread adoption of practices, policies, and techniques designed specifically to reduce our impact.

Fortunately for commercial entities, reducing energy consumption is a direct route to bona fide short-term cash savings. It is, by definition, a win-win for profits and planet.

With this in mind, we present you with our list of 7 energy saving tips for commercial operations…

1. Convert Your Facility to LED Lighting

There is little question that the most abundant source of immediate savings for a business or facility in Scottsdale is to replace every single light bulb with an energy-efficient LED bulb. They are longer lasting and also about 80% more efficient. The larger your operation is and the more lighting you require, the sooner that your LED investment will pay for itself.

2.  Check Your Power Management Settings

If you have a facility that is filled with computers, tablets, and television screens, then you owe it to your power bill to make sure that each one of these devices is operating under the most efficient power use settings. For most devices, controls for power management are located alongside general settings, and can allow the user to activate such things as screen dimming and sleep mode.

3.  Upgrade Your Roof Insulation

A recent UK study estimates that as much as 25% of a building’s heat energy is lost through its roof. One way to keep that energy inside is by taking another look at your roof’s insulation. If you are in an older building, then there is a good chance that the insulation needs to be replaced. Even newer buildings in Scottsdale can often benefit from an additional layer of insulation, however.

4.  Educate Your Staff and/or Tenants

No matter what strategies you develop for slashing your energy costs, make sure that everyone on the team understands them. Building your new energy-savvy techniques into the fabric of your company or organization is the only way to ensure that your ideas are being faithfully perpetuated down through the ranks.

5.  Search for Small Energy Drains

One of the most significant sources of our overall energy waste is from small, seemingly insignificant energy drains that can be hard to pin down. There might be an old, inefficient set of bulbs in the Vending Machine, for instance, or perhaps you are powering equipment or appliances that are not currently in use.

6.  Modernize Your Windows

There is a Penn State Study that somehow estimated that in a single year the United States lost a total of $20 Billion in energy through the windows alone. That’s nearly one quarter of the total energy value used for that year. Upgrading your facility’s windows is another immediate way to increase energy efficiency, and in many cases, you can receive subsidies for this kind of work.

7.  Manage Your Outdoor Lighting

Whether we’re talking about commercial lighting or industrial lighting, the bulbs outside are often times some of the biggest wastes of electricity. While security lighting is a necessary part of any operation in Scottsdale, many outdoor light sources do not need to be on 24 hours a day. Installing motion sensors is a great way to utilize your utility lighting only when it is needed, and not a kilowatt hour more.

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