While it does not yet fully feel like Spring in Scottsdale, there is no arguing that the days are getting longer, the projects are ramping up, and commercial businesses all over the country are preparing for a productive 2nd & 3rd quarter.

In the spirit of springtime refreshment and renewal, we’ve put together a list of 5 energy saving tips that you can implement in your commercial building, office space, or retail shop that can slash the amount of money you will be spending on energy over the course of the summer.

1.  Switch to LED Light Bulbs Wherever Possible

Changing the lightbulbs in your building or workspace is not only expensive, but it can also be a real hassle and potentially even require the help of a dedicated hire. LED light bulbs are designed to use less electricity, but they can also last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. And we’re not just talking about your overhead warehouse lighting, but also track lighting, desk lamps, recessed lighting, and outdoor lighting can all be made more efficient with LED bulbs.

2.  Take Advantage of Changing Natural Light Conditions

As the seasons change, the Sun’s course through the sky will begin to change, and in Scottsdale as well as around the country owners and operators are failing to take advantage of the changes. By paying attention to the changing natural light conditions, it is possible to device seasonal shifts in workspace layout and space utilization based on where the sunlight is.

3.  Design & Implement a “Human-Friendly” Lighting Scheme

Saving money on the energy bill is one thing, but if you really want to give your bottom line a bump then you should consider just how high lighting conditions rank on employee surveys of workplace satisfaction. Giving your tenants, employees, or even customers access to plentiful natural light is a surefire way to boost their job satisfaction. It follows that their productivity would go up likewise.

4.  Ditch the Incandescent Bulbs, For the Sake of Your HVAC

The main reason why incandescent light bulbs are so inefficient is because about 90% of their energy output is converted directly into heat, instead of valuable light. This extra heat has to go somewhere, and the buck usually stops with your commercial HVAC system. Your HVAC then has to work a lot harder to get rid of the extra heat, so it will start drawing more energy. Potentially, this could reduce the working lifespan of the system itself.

5.  Install Smart Motion Sensors on Outdoor Commercial Lighting

Installing outdoor lighting is essential for workplace safety, but not every light has to be on all the time. Motion sensors are a great way to ensure that you are only using the energy that you absolutely need, while also knowing that your building and everything in it is being protected. This is also true for indoor corridor lighting. Motion activated corridor lighting can keep a workplace safe for employees and tenants who are working late while allowing most of the other lights to be shut of entirely.

For many businesses in Scottsdale, the initial cost of switching their commercial over to energy efficient lighting can be daunting to say the least. But it doesn’t take long to recoup the investment in savings, and when paired with some of the additional benefits like energy tax credits and increased worker productivity, anyone who still isn’t interested in upgrading is, quite simply, working in the dark.

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