
Why spend your valuable CAPEX dollars on lighting when you can allocate those funds for other company needs? LightSpend™ program agreements take a portion of the energy savings provided by new LED lighting to pay for the entire cost without any upfront costs. Zero, nada, nothing!

How much could you save with LightSpend™?

Total Project Investment $60,000

Net of Sales Tax

Utility Incentive/Rebate $15,000

Rebates are ADDITIONAL to the monthly savings shown below and not included

Total Investment$45,000

Annual Energy Cost Savings


Estimated using 18 month simple payback

Monthly Cash Flow Analysis24 Months36 Months48 Months60 Months
Monthly Energy Savings$2,575.00$2,652.25$2,731.82$2,813.77
Monthly Cash Flow$401.74$1,162.12$1,582.71$1,909.24

How it Works

1 Schedule Audit

Schedule Your Free Energy Audit

2 Design Custom Lighting Solution

Design Custom Lighting Solution

3 Energy/Financial Savings Review

Energy/Financial Savings Review

4 LightSpend™ Program Agreement

LightSpend™ Program Agreement

5 EEPros Coordinates Installation Contractor

EEPros Coordinates Installation Contractor

6 Customer Signs Off On Installation

Customer Signs Off On Installation

Free Maintenance and Increased Energy Savings Begin!
Free Maintenance and Increased Energy Savings Begin!

LightSpend™ is an all-inclusive agreement that requires ZERO COST. After the new LED lighting is installed, EEPros splits the monthly energy cost savings provided by the new lighting with our clients for a short term, and after the term, 100% of the savings are enjoyed by the client.

With LightSpend™, our clients spend nothing, get all new lighting, and put money in their pocket starting month 1. THIS IS BETTER THAN FREE!

  • LightSpend™ (LaaS) eliminates all upfront costs associated with upgrading commercial lighting systems. Zero, Nada, Nothing!
  • This is an operating expense adjustment (Lowering Your Utility Expense Budget), making it a non-balance sheet (CAPEX) transaction.
  • EEPros provides an on-site energy evaluation, a customized turnkey solution and a 5-year parts AND LABOR warranty.
  • EEPros will research and file for any rebates that may be available from your local utility.
  • EEPros will work with local electrical contractors to provide a turnkey solution.

Let us convert your business to energy-efficient LED lighting at zero cost to you.

LED Lighting Brands We Work With
ECO Insight LED Lighting Alledra LED Lighting Neptun LED Lighting Natura LED Lighting Light Pole LED Lighting Westgate LED Lighting Yaham LED Lighting Earth LED Lighting iglo LED Lighting DAB LED Lighting Energy Bank LED Lighting Energetic LED Lighting Falkor LED Lighting Alset LED Lighting Halco LED Lighting Acuity LED Lighting ATG LED Lighting Ikio LED Lighting Retrolux LED Lighting
Contact Energy Efficiency Pros (EEPros) LED
$0 LED Lighting

Heard about our $0 LED Program?

Click the link below to see if your business is eligible for energy-efficient LED lighting for $0.

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